EPISODE 046: Embracing Your Spiritual Gifts with Dee Summers

podcast Oct 07, 2021

My wonderful guest today is Psychic Medium, Dee Summers, who talks about the importance of trusting our own intuitive feelings and accepting our own psychic knowing.

Dee helps us understand that by suffering adversity we can learn how to develop great empathy for others learn to love ourselves unconditionally.

This Week’s Episode

If you have had strange psychic experiences, seen spirit people, or heard strange noises that you cannot explain, you are not going mad.  It is common for those of us with intuitive ability to ignore our own psychic gifts, to better fit into mainstream society. 

Episode 046 Resources

Here are some resources referred to in Episode 045, which you may find helpful. 


About Psychic Matters Podcasts

Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.



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Psychic Matters Resources

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PM 046

 My wonderful guest today is Psychic Medium, Dee Summers, who talks about the importance of trusting our own intuitive feelings and accepting our own psychic knowing. 

Dee helps us understand that by suffering adversity we can learn how to develop great empathy for others learn to love ourselves unconditionally.

You’ll Learn

  • Why mediumship can be so healing
  • How to trust your intuition
  • How spirit can get our attention when we first begin to develop
  • Why we often keep our psychic abilities quiet
  • Why good training is important
  • How to find a medium
  • How life challenges can help you become very empathic
  • How to understand your own fear
  • Why our mediumship changes over the years


Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 46!

Well, I’m happy to say that we were in the final slate of ten nominees for The People’s Choice Podcast Awards, in the Religion & Spirituality category, which is a really huge achievement!  Massive thanks to all of you who voted and who were so supportive, commenting and cheering me on, on our Psychic Matters Facebook Group page – that really meant the world to me, thank you so much!  Unfortunately, we did not take home the award BUT the good news is – we do get a trophy! The bad news is we have to pay for the trophy! $215!  That’s about £158 quid.   Now much as I would LOVE to have a trophy – a great momento of our achievement – If I had £158, I’d rather spend it on podcast equipment.  Or pay my rent.   In fact, I’d spend it on podcast equipment and go live in the shed!  So, I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a trophy but hey, it’s all good.  I can make my print off a piece of paper on Canva with a photo of a trophy on it, put it in a frame on the wall, and that should work, shouldn’t it?!

If you have any ideas – do head over to our Facebook Group page and let me know your thoughts!  On podcast trophies or any paranormal topic!

Okay, so this week, I have had the absolute pleasure of interviewing a very good friend of mine.  Someone I have always looked up to.  This lady is a phenomenal psychic medium, she is dedicated to her craft and the accuracy of her readings is incredible.  She has trained hard to get where she is today and has managed to get herself through some of the hardest of life’s challenges and as a result, she has developed the most beautiful loving heart.  I hope you enjoy every moment of this episode with my wonderful guest, Dee Summers, and learn through her teachings, how you can embrace YOUR spiritual gifts.


I’m joined in the Psychic Matters studio today by Psychic Medium, Dee Summers. Dee, welcome!


Oh, thank you Ann for inviting me.


Ah it’s such a pleasure Dee.  I’ve known you for quite some time, but I don’t know your personal story and what led you into mediumship, because currently, where are we now, September 2021, you are at this moment I believe, working as a Psychic Medium, you’re incredibly busy, just squeezed me into your schedule, you’re a Psychic Medium, you are doing all these private sittings, you’re out there doing demonstrations and working, but I know that before this point there was a big back story, so where would you like to begin dee?


I think I’d like to really start from the beginning and that’s when, as far back as I can remember, actually seeing spirit, which was probably two to three years of age.  Because I can remember still being in a cot.  It was a little bit difficult and a bit frightening because my mum was Italian and she was, she bought us all up as a Catholic, which was great so, but she didn’t understand what was happening.  And she used to tell me later on in life that I used to say to her there was a gentleman walking round my room with a top hat on.  She said to me, I used to think there’s something wrong, there’s something wrong with my child.  So, through my life growing up, my mum used to spend her time throwing holy water on me! Because she used to think that there was, that I was mad, or that I was the devil, I had all these things, and it was really difficult.   So, she took me to lots of doctors, to lots of priests and it was quite sad.  I became quite insular in myself because I didn’t know who to talk to.  And that caused then depression, I just went into myself.


That must have been difficult Dee, if you weren’t able to tell her what you were seeing, or tell her what you were feeling and experiencing.


Yes, because it would just come out in may be short snaps of things like, you know, I’ve just seen the lady here, and she’s offering me this, I didn’t realise at that time it was my grandmother.  But she was offering me, she had a big bowl, and it was as if she was making a cake and she was trying to put the wooden spoon with the actual ingredients into my mouth!  It was like real, but that was scary, because I didn’t know who this was.  I knew it wasn’t real though in my head because it’s like they were there, and then they disappeared. So, I used to say all these things and my family just honestly, they thought I was mad.  So I ended up going then from a Catholic school to, from a convent, to a Protestant school.  And now it started all over again.  And so I became very quiet, and I didn’t know what to do with all this, and I used to have bad nightmares and everything.  And then I just want to fast-forward to when I was 23.   I had been so depressed, I even thought of taking my own life which I did try to do, because there was nobody around me to tell me, you know, this is okay, this is spirit, and they want you to acknowledge them, so that you can work with them.  Which I didn’t know then.  And my mum had a shop, and one day I went down into the shop.  I’d always had these feelings about things and I could hear people talking about a lady called Christina, and I don’t know, it just resonated, the name resonated, and I said to my mum, “Who is this Christina?” and she said, “She’s a clairvoyant,” and then she went, “I think you should go.” And I went, “Oh right, OK”. You need to go, because there’s something wrong with you.   So, she said it’s my last thing that I need to do with you.  I ended up going and this lady, Ann, she saved my life.  This medium saved my life.  And because of her, I now try to carry on her work which is through mental health.  I remember sitting in front of her, I looked, I was 23 but I looked 33, I’d gone through a lot in my life to do with abuse, mental bullying and all sorts.   And it wasn’t nice.  It was in fact, a very hard childhood.  And she sat down.  It was the first time I’d ever had a reading.  She brought my nan through, who, my nan on my dad’s side through, who I absolutely adored and she actually taught me how to read and everything.  Because my mum being Italian, she couldn’t really speak the language and my dad was never home.  So, she brought her through and said you know, what she was wearing but the most thing that really did it for me was that I never liked dolls when I was younger, I love animals and I liked teddy bears and everything but I had one doll.  And Christina said to me, I have to tell you, your grandmother here is telling me about this name that is very significant to you and the name was Bella.  I went, Oh My God, that was the one doll I had and she was called Bella.  Now I was listening.  Now I’m thinking, this person knows things.  She then told me things that I had seen that nobody knew about.  And she just sort of told me about her life, which she said was similar to what I’d been going through.  And so she said, oh you’ve been like a little fish that has been battered and battered against the rocks but now is your time to know the reason why these things are happening to you, is so that you can help people later on in your life, because you will do this work, but it won’t be until you are 50.  And my goodness she was right. So it took that time then, she then said to me, I’d like you to come back to the circle, I didn’t know what that was, I was very scared and when I did decide to go back, I thought it was going to be like, the table was going to levitate, people were going to come out at me, you know, the ghost, a bit like Ghost with Whoopi Goldberg!   And anyway, I decided to go back and she said to me that if I had not gone back, she knew that I would be 6 foot under.  And she then helped me for seven years to get me right, because I thought that I was going mad.  And so I was in her development circle, but I then used to take her everywhere and she used to do a lot of platform readings, lots of services, and she helped so many people, because, like she said to me, if you haven’t gone through all these things in your life, how can you help somebody else?  If you’ve not weeped yourself, if you haven’t gone through all those emotions, how are you going to be able to help people?  Yes you’re mediumship is going to come in, but you want to be healing people, helping them, especially through mental health.  Because people may be wanting to try and commit suicide or they are at a very bad place with grief.   All sorts of reasons, really come out of very bad relationships..  And she said because you use that as an imprint when you going into doing a reading with somebody.  Spirit will work with you, where they will give you that vision, they’ll give you, in your mind’s eye, the situation that you were in, so that when you start talking about what’s going on in their life, you can go back to that time when it happened to you, so you can give more empathy, and that helps then, and then what happens is ,as you’re talking you’re starting to heal as well with your words.  And that’s what Christina gave to me, and that’s how I do my readings.  And I also help people that were like me, who see things and feel things and they are scared.  And now I can say no, it’s OK, you need to go here, you need to go and see this person, or come with me and I’ll help you.  That’s how it’s sort of started where I started to believe in it.  But going forward again, I still was scared of seeing spirit.  I blocked it down, I’d shut it down.  Visually I didn’t want to see them, because I was too scared.  Then then one day where it really started, was my sister unfortunately, suddenly died.  She’d gone into hospital.  She was going for an X-ray and as she got up from the bed, she had an embolism and died straight away.  So, it was a real shock, and she was only 34.  And we used to laugh about the spirit world.  She used, she was very witty and very funny and she never really believed it, even though she was quite psychic herself, you know, but she used to be really funny and laugh about it.  So we went to the hospital, myself, my mum and my partner.  And I remember, I think my brother was in Hong Kong at the time, my sister, my dad was in Ireland, my sister was in, I think she was at the Trafford Centre, and she didn’t have her phone now.  So, it all ended up that, you know, we got mum in the car, we got to the, to the hospital, Highfield, it was a private hospital, and she was, when we got there, she was still warm.  And I know that sounds awful, but she was still warm.  My mum, well you can imagine losing your daughter.  She went over, and I just remember, Ann, standing at the bottom of the bed with my partner, Yani, and my mum had her arms over my sister Marina, and she was crying.   And all of a sudden, and even my partner to this day, he felt this, between us it went really cold and then I looked down, and she was smaller than me, so I’m about 5’2 she’s about, she was about 4’11, and she always used to hold you, and put her head on your shoulder.  And I felt this very light pressure of somebody putting their head on my shoulder, and as I turned around, Ann, she was there, I’m going cold now.  She was confused Ann, she was so confused and this is what she gave me, and she didn’t understand why my mum was crying, and she didn’t understand why she was still in the bed because she was next to me and I had to turn around to her and say, “Marina, you’re dead,” and she was like, no, I said, “You’re dead” Ann, that’s how I had to say it.  It was almost like she disappeared, but she was still there.  They had to take her to another morgue, which was a hospital called Birchill, and she never wanted to go to this hospital in her life, and they said to me we are taking her to Birchill, do you want to meet us there? I thought, oh God no, she don’t like this hospital.  We got in the car, I wasn’t driving, Yani, was driving, and I was in the passenger seat, and as clear as day, Ann, as you can see my face, my sister appeared just her face, but it was almost in the windscreen.  So, what they say to you Ann, is when you die, that you see a video of your life go in front of you, and do you know something? I saw a video of my sister’s life and my life together.  Now, it wasn’t all the good things, it was all the things where we may have hurt one another, said things we didn’t realise we’d hurt one another, and it was all those things that came.  And you know what, it was so amazing because I went, oh Marina, you know, I’m so sorry, I did not realise.  And she went, I’m gonna forgive you and I hope you forgive me because I feel the same.  I’m so sorry.  And do you know what?  I think that’s why I was able to continue and help the family because we forgave one another there and then.  When we got to the hospital Ann, we’d got to the morgue, she was not there.  Her spirit had gone.  I thought, oh my God.  And so then trying to explain to the family, they weren’t having any of this. But, going forward, eventually, they all had their own little pockets of feeling my sister and they started to now realise that there was something that I’d got.  That was really, when it really did start, my mediumship really started to go from that point.  Because when she passed, I did see her quite a lot, and she was showing me things in the spirit world.  Things that, you know, you just can’t make up.  But I did keep it quite quiet, because of people saying the way I was, and then I just got on with my career and my life.  But people started to say to me, oh, you’re a witch. Well, I’m not a witch, if I’m a white witch, if you like.  They used to ask me things, you know, we, will you tell me something, you know, and so I did that through my life and then, but I became a wedding and event planner.  And it used to be really funny, ‘cause I had my own shop, I had quite a lot of staff, and it used to be really funny, because when my clients used to come to me, and I used to do like a consultation, they used to say, oh my God, it’s like you’ve got in my head! You know exactly what I want for my wedding, you know! And I used to laugh to myself, because I thought, I know, this is this is my intuition, this is my psychic ability, and you know what, it really helped, it helped my job.  And so, what happened though, everybody wanted me then to do their weddings because I knew what they wanted, and I was in their head.  It started to then make sense, all these things, and so it wasn’t until then, I lost everything in my life, which was the second time, and I was nearly homeless, and my partner left, and I lost my business and everything, um that, you know, when you’re on the floor again, I remember, coming up to 50, like Christina had said, because she said that I’d have a career and I was so down, trying to find somewhere for my son and I to live, and the cats, coz we weren’t leaving the cats.  I was in bed one evening, and I suddenly heard my name being called, but it wasn’t frightening, and it was, “Dee! Dee!” And I sat up, and I thought oh goodness, and then I had a bag, like a Tesco bag on the floor, and it was rustling, and I thought, oh no, the cats have bought a little mouse in, a little field mouse, because we live up in the, you know, on the fields on the hills.  So, I got up and I looked in the bag and there was nothing in there, just a tissue.  I thought, oh dear. I got back in bed and then I started hearing all this knocking on the wardrobes.  And I thought oh.  Now one time Ann, I’d have been scared, but do you know, I just thought, there is something, there’s something in this, and you know the weird thing is, I actually went onto a psychic line in the middle of the night.  And I started to speak to this this guy, I remember he was called Patrick.  Because I was so low and everything.  I hadn’t told him all these things was happening to me and he just said to me, do you know, that you should, that you can do this work, you can help so many people and I went, no I can’t! And he said yes you can.  He said you need to go to, and he told me the college, The Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science and Spiritualism.  And I didn’t even know what that was, and he said look it up and he actually gave me the name of a medium, which was Tim Abbott.  And soon as I got off that psychic line, the next day I rang Tim, and he said I can’t believe you got me because I’m normally everywhere else.  And then he told me about a course at the Arthur Findlay College with Libby Clark, which was to do with, almost like, so you want to be a medium, type of thing.  He said, I’m on that course but it won’t be till June, and this was in January.  Well Ann, I got on, I booked the course, didn’t know what I was doing, I ended up going there, I was on my own, and I got there, and I was so scared, ‘cause it looked like, it’s a beautiful manor house but it looked like Hogwarts.  And they called it Spooks Hall and I’m thinking, oh no, oh my God, what am I doing? And as I started, we have to fill all these forms in, and it says, you know, do you take circles, do you, do you, do you do services, do you do one to one readings, and I’m like, oh I don’t do any of these, I’m just psychic, that’s what I know, that’s, that’s all I put on the paper.  And I went into this room and at the Arthur Findlay College you …


I’m going to pause you, I’m going to pause you, we want to hear all about the Arthur Findlay College and what happened then, but you’ve just given us so much, I want to go back a bit before we come to the next bit of the story, is that alright Dee?


Yeah, of course, please.


Because this is just so brilliant, The Arthur Findlay College, it’s just so funny isn’t it, when we do feel that lack of confidence because we don’t have all these things that everyone else is doing.  But before we get there, let’s just go back to your early childhood, when you said you were experiencing things.




What were those things that you were experiencing? Were you seeing spirit people walk through the room, were you just feeling, what were the experiences, if you could just sum those up?


So, I was actually physically seeing people, so they were walking through a door, you know.  There was always, I could hear people chattering, and it was in the room.  I felt like, somebody was, somebody, I think he was like a Quaker, but he was dressed in black, and he was always looking over me and that’s where I was scared, because it was like a shadow, and I didn’t know what it was. And then I would go into, we had a big cellar, and to put the light on, you had to walk through the cellar to turn it on.  And as I’m walking through in the darkness, I’m hearing somebody calling my name, but my Italian name, which, you know, freaked me out because nobody called me by that name, only my mum and she was upstairs in the shop. So, it was things like that.  And then, I really like history and we used to go to castles, and you know, to these stately homes.  I would get feelings, or I would know that there was something there.  And then my mum and dad, they bought a farmhouse, 16th century, and oh my God, I did not want to go there, but I ended up staining all the beams because I’m very creative and very arty and painting.  And I just didn’t want to go up there on my own because I was so sensitive now to those feelings.  And now I would welcome it but then I didn’t.  And this is when it got very strong, this is just before my sister passed away.  The door would open.  The barn door would open.  Then you’d hear footsteps upstairs, do you know what I mean?


Yes, the footsteps upstairs are kind of disconcerting, aren’t they?  Or you can hear someone in the other room, or talking, and you’re like, what is this?


Yes, and children running around.


Yes, yes, I’ve had children running around as well.  Talk to me Dee, about the Quaker dressed in black and I’ll tell you why, because this is how spirit got my attention in my 30’s by this, well I hadn’t really thought about it until you said it, but like a Quaker dressed in black, with a big hat.


Yes, yes, yes.  And the big buckles on his shoes




I remember black shoes with big buckles on and almost like a cape.  But I don’t know why I knew he was a Quaker, I just had that feeling.  And yeah, when I was with Christina and we were developing, she would say to me, oh this gentleman has just gone up the stairs.  If something was, because I ended up staying with her, renting a room with her for a while and he used to run up her stairs and she would see him, and I’d know he’d gone up if something was happening that was not good.  He seemed to be there so I’m wondering if he was, I still don’t really know now, if he was there to protect me.


Yeah, it’s interesting isn’t it because I was so frightened of my Quaker when I first saw him and yet I could see him clear as day.  Nobody else can see him but I could really see him, I couldn’t understand why other people can’t see what it’s so clearly in the doorway, and then I think during a meditation one day I said, look I’m frightened of you, please can you present to me in a different way, and he came dressed in white, instead of black.


Oh wow.


And then it somehow made it a lot more palatable and easy for me to accept that.




But that’s interesting Dee and I’m sure a lot of people listening to this podcast will say, that’s happened to me, this has happened to me,


Yeah exactly.


And this is why I started the podcast Dee, just so that people have got something, you know to learn from, and to understand.  They’re not on their own and that we’ve all had these very strange experiences.  So go forward then, and you were talking about, you’d got as far as the AFC and you are walking into the class you talked about Tim Abbott and Libby Clark and you were just walking, you’d filled out your form, and you were feeling like, I’m just a psychic, I don’t do any of these things, so take up the story from there.


Well it was really funny, because the first day that I walked in, I I got into the lift, I was so scared, and there was lovely Helen DeVita there, and she said, oh you look really scared, there’s nothing to be scared about, and I said, well I don’t wanna see any ghosts!  That’s how I said it, and she started laughing, and she said, no you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, you’ll enjoy it.  So, I went to my room and at the Arthur Findlay College you really have to share with people, because it’s quite old isn’t it, so it’s almost like dormitories isn’t it?


Yeah, it’s dormitories, yes.


Then yeah, I remember going into this room Ann, there was two beds, and I was really still scared, thinking, oh no, what am I doing here.  And then this lady walked in, and she had like a bag, but something in it under her arm.  So now I am scared thinking, ghosts are going to come out, and what am I doing here?  And she said, oh I hope you don’t mind, I’ve got my husband’s ashes here.  And I looked at her and I thought, oh my God, and she said, because I’m going to bury him in the garden, because you can have like remembrance seats and trees and things like that, which I didn’t know then, and she said but I’ve had him in the cupboard three years.  Ann, I was beside myself!


I’m not surprised, it’s a strange thing, isn’t it?


And she said to me, you know, is that okay?  And I said well, I, you know I couldn’t speak and I just went, well you might as well put him in the cupboard here, because he’s been in the wardrobe for three years, what’s another couple of days gonna do?!  So, we started laughing.




And then, as you know, you become really good friends with your roommate, don’t you?


You do, you do.


And I remember then going down and you go to the Dining Room table, and then from the actual list that you, you know, you’ve put down if you’re psychic, if you do services and all these things, and I’m thinking, what am I doing here?  They then put you into different groups, of  your, you know, if you’re a beginner, if you’re, you know, sort of in the middle type of thing, advanced mediumship, and I was in Libby Clark’s group, and Libby Clark is being the person that really helped me and started me off.  I just remember sitting in the group, you’ll know this Ann, and she went round the group and everybody was saying, oh yes I do readings, and I do services, and I do this, and I thought, please don’t come to me, ‘cos I don’t do anything, and I don’t know what you’re talking about, and can I go home?! So she came to me and I was the last person and she just really looked at me with those deep blue eyes and she went, now you’re not telling me everything are you?  And I went, oh no, I am, I am!  Anyway, she said, you know, there’s a lot there that you are frightened of, but I can tell you now, by the time that we finish at the end of this week, you will have done a full circle, and embrace what you have and what you see.  And that’s how it started.  It was a wonderful week, I made the most fabulous friends, saw the most wonderful tutors, because you not only was I with Libby, you do see other Tutors, as you know, and I grew and my sister was there, and I had so many messages of proof and evidence, and at the beginning I couldn’t even string a sentence along, you know, it was just one words, but by the end of it, I started to be able to give a message, learning you’ve got to really remove that brain of ours that so busy, put it to one side so that you can channel the spirit world.  And there was a lot of meditation, and it was amazing, and from then on, when I went home, I then sat and meditated every day for nearly two years.  And went back to the Arthur Findlay college quite a few times in different courses, and then I started to be able to do my one to ones, do church services and that’s how it came.  But it was later on in life, it was in, you know, 50, so now I’ve been, people say to me how long have you been doing it? I think well, I have been doing it since I was three!  But professionally, I want to say, I’m giving my age away here, you know, 10 years, 10 years, now and I love my work, I love it.


And did you feel after that, probably the first day, at the Arthur Findlay college, that you had found your people?


I felt like I’d come home, this is where I’ve belonged all my life, and I didn’t know it until that day.  And I feel sad that it took me to 48 to find it and to not want to sort of do something to myself, sabotage myself, hurt myself, because I thought I was mad.  And I realised that no, I wasn’t.  And now, if I can, I will always, if I see that in somebody that was like me, I will always say it’s OK, it’s normal, whatever you see your normal to be.  And that’s how really it’s come to me later, although I’ve always had it.


And did your mother live to see you become a professional psychic medium?  Is she still with us?


Yes. No, she passed four years ago now, but she became my biggest supporter.


No way!


And my Dad, because my Dad never believed it.


How did that happen?  How did that turn around come?


I think it was when my mum got cancer and, you know what, she was a medium, but she was too scared.


I was gonna say, if she can see spirit walking through your bedroom when you little, and blaming you for the spirit person, then she was a psychic, a medium herself!


She was.  She started to see my sister. But then I would tell her, your dad’s here, you know, and I’d tell her something that she hadn’t even told me, and then her brother died and I told her things about how he passed and she started to get a, you know, her family was still in Italy and she’d been she’d been in England since she was 23, so she was in her 70s then, and she got a lot of comfort.  She knew then.  Oh, I know exactly as well when it was really quite poignant, was her sister’s son, little boy, died, Edwardo he was called and he was a twin and he was only 5.


That’s so tragic Dee I’m so sorry.


And my mum said to her sister in Italy called Anna, and said, you know what, by my Italian name, Marcella, she can see the spirit world.  And Anna, for some reason said, can I send a photograph, you know, can she do something?  And it was at that point the photograph was sent from Italy, and oh my goodness, I picked up so much about this little boy, even down to a fireman’s helmet that he had, a toy fireman’s helmet which he had on, and this red ball that he kicked around with his twin brother, even though he was in the spirit world and his twin brother was here, his twin brother was seeing Edwardo.  So there was lots of evidence which is what I like, and it was at that point my mum went, oh my God, there’s something here.  And it really helped my Aunty, you know, and then to go back and tell my family.  And that I think is when it happened and then my parents both came to a service, and then when you are giving messages to so many different people, and they were like, oh my goodness, but my dad then became such a proud person, you know, but he’s in the spirit world now, so I always say, come on Dad help me, you know, and so that is how it happened.


And so what do you think you could advise the people that are listening, who are having at whatever age they may be, because it can happen at any time, as we know, if they are having these experiences of perhaps thinking they are seeing people, hearing noises, maybe hearing chatter, feeling people sitting on the bed next to them, or being aware as you said, when you had that beautiful experience of your sister’s head on your shoulder, what can they do to help themselves?


Well, to me, I would try and go and see a Medium.  Because, I say, you can go and see a Psychic Medium, but I just feel you need to see a Medium. Because that person, as they bring evidence through, they can also tap into, to see that you are getting all these things, and to put your mind at rest, that it is okay.  And then maybe to understand it, is to try to get yourself into a circle.  And a circle is with somebody who takes it, who tutors, tells you how to sit in your own power.   I know people call it a meditation, but yes you do a meditation, but then you learn to sit in your own power, with people that are like-minded.  Not people who are going to doubt you or say things, because that’s the best way.  You need to do what your soul wants you to do and that is, I would say, go and see a Medium.  Because a lot of people that come to see me, they’ve been to see like psychiatrists or you know consultants because they are experiencing these things.  I mean like, if I’d had what I had years ago, I’d probably have been put in an asylum, you know.  And I said to them, you are not going mad. But if you go to see somebody like a Counsellor, which I’ve seen many, it’s good but it’s not in another way, because it’s all 1-10, how do you feel today, do you want to take your own life?  What do you want to do?  It’s quite cold.  If you are a sensitive person, you need to speak to somebody who actually already sees what your life has been, so you’ve got the empathy.  And that is what I would say, is go and see a medium. I had a gentleman who came the other day, young man, and he said his wife had told him to come.  And he was very nervous.  And he sat down with me and as soon as he sat down with me, I said, I have your daughter here in the spirit world, but she is seven, but she passed when she was two weeks’ old.  I said you are having these regrets and feeling guilty that you could have done something more, because I know that it was something to do with the medication and you feel that if you’d given her this medication she would still be here today.  And he just started crying Ann, and I just went, I want you to know, this is how she looks, blonde hair and it was wavy and everything, and she’s brought a heart with her, like a wooden heart but in red and she wants to give this to you.  Because that was her time to go and there was nothing you could have done to save her.  And I said, she wants to let you know as well, that she was wrapped in a blue blanket, even though she’s a girl.  And he looked at me.  And she actually looks like, you’ve got another daughter now, and they look very similar.  , I then explained how this person looked. And I want to give you this heart from her.  And what I didn’t realise was, it was Father’s Day coming up the following day, because I said this is a gift for you. There is some sort of celebration – that wasn’t in my head.  And then he just went, I need to stop you there.  Well Ann, I thought oh no, what have I said?  Honestly, I think I’d not even done ten minutes. He said I’m never going to go to a medium again.  And I thought, oh no.  My heart sunk.  And then he just went, the reason I’m not going to go to another medium, is that within ten minutes I feel like I can close the chapter on seven years of hurt and seeing counsellors, because you have given me closure.  And I feel that I can go on with my life, and knowing that she is happy, she is growing up in the spirit world and that I did not do anything wrong.  And it’s Father’s Day he said, tomorrow.  And I just thought job done.  And that’s what it’s all about Ann.


That’s a beautiful story and a very good example of how medium’s can heal.


Help and heal, oh goodness yes.


And so how does somebody find a medium then Dee.  That’s a great recommendation, I totally endorse it, but how do they find one?  How do they know who to choose?


Well for me, it goes off recommendation.  So you probably the best thing is to go, if you are not on social media, and put in who would recommend a medium, either close by, some people like yourself can do it on Zoom, I tend to do it in person, I prefer that one to one interaction and that’s how I get a lot of my business, but I’ve been doing it a while now, so a lot of people know me, you know, because it is really recommendation because you want to go with the right person, because not every medium is the right person for you.  I would put it on social media,  put it on Facebook or Instagram, does anybody know of a really good medium and get the recommendation.  Because it’s difficult to do it now, you can go online and go onto Google.  That’s another way, you can see their testimonials. So, I think, it’s so difficult these days because people don’t really advertise any more.  So, I would suggest that you do that.  That’s how most people find me. 


Yes. And do your research as well, I would say, you know, once you find someone or if they’ve been recommended to you, but then research them yourself, see how they feel to you, does feel right with you, does that sit right with you. I guess you could also go to your local spiritualist church who would have a list of mediums.


Yes, of course, absolutely, yes.  Because I don’t do the services any more, because I’ve just been full on with people wanting to book in private readings. But yes of course and churches are now open, and it’s a good way as well, to experience a medium and think oh, is this for me?  And you can start thinking about it and absolutely yes, you’d find a good person then.


And then Dee, just for people who are listening to this podcast, who are developing their own mediumship, taking you back, you were talking about, you know, we as mediums often have very tragic lives, very difficult and challenging things that we have been through, so that we have this empathy.  And you were talking about sometimes spirit will use our own experiences that will touch our mind and that is part of the message from them to their loved one that is sitting in front of us, as a medium.  But the question I get asked by my students is, how do I know that it is not my conscious mind bringing that memory forward?  How do I now that is coming from the spirit world?


That is a really good question.  I think when you start learning or developing to be a medium it is hard to distinguish.  But as you move forward, what happens to me now is, it’s almost like that, it’s like a television set, so it’s like I have two television sets.  And I have one at the front of my head and one at the back.  And the one at the front is almost like the psychic ability.  And its like I’m watching a movie.  And I know it’s not me, because although it’s giving me an impression of something that happened to me, it’s actually, I think the best way to describe this, is that I had another gentleman that came, and he was very sceptical.  He said to me, I gave him so much evidence about his cousin in the spirit world, but he said to me, I want you to tell me, and I hate it when they do this, what is the name of my new business?  And… oh my goodness, so the only way to explain this is, they showed me, on this television set, my son with is control, controller on the X-box.  And so, I said I don’t know why I keep getting a control, a controller.  And then he said to me, oh that’s the name of my business, Control.  And I went, oh, so it’s something as simple as that that gives you, you know… I mean, that could have been psychic, which I think it is, but that’s what I’m trying to say, how would I know that, but that’s how it happened.  But I seem to know the difference now, I don’t, my mind just doesn’t come into it.  Because there are things that they show you but it’s only a little bit of a hint, to help you to get then into the message, into that person.


Because the longer you work as a medium, and the more that you work with the spirit world and you are in that flow of information, you know it comes from there, you just know.  You know when you are out of that power, you know also when your conscious mind rises and that it’s coming from your conscious mind, and you also know, what you are clairsentiently feeling and what is coming from your psychic awareness, so you do know, as you develop which bit is which, but it does take a long time doesn’t it, to get to know what is what.


Yes, it does. And what I didn’t tell you about that story is, I said to him control. He went yeah, that’s what it’s called, and I thought, that’s a really strange name, but it was spelt with a Q and it was qontrol.


Oh wow.


Now that’s amazing, isn’t it? How would I ever have got that, unless the spirit world put that little picture in front of me, and my little television set for the spirit world at the back of my head!


It’s interesting, I’ve got a similar story when I was trying to get the name… I was standing with spirit and they were showing me a department store and I knew that I was in not in London.  The buildings were taller that I could see in my mind’s eye, and I knew it’s a busy city, so then I knew I was in New York.  Then I could see myself in front of Macy’s, but I said I can see the sign on the shop, but it’s not Macy, I said this lady is giving me the name Masti? Massey? Maced? Masti? and they said, oh my God, that was her name, it was it was an African name, I think it was African, Yamasty was her name.  Now that’s not in my frame of reference at all but that was the nearest they could give me to bring round that unusual name.


Exactly, and it is, it’s so interesting, and I love it when they do things like that.


It’s beautiful.  And so, you also said that you were a trained Reiki Master, and part of your work that you do with people is, obviously there’s a lot of healing involved when it comes to you, so how do you use your Reiki alongside your mediumship?


Well, I started doing the Reiki and I was a Reiki Practitioner really to hide behind that I was a medium!  Because I didn’t want to tell anybody. I didn’t really want to say anything to anybody because I didn’t feel, I don’t know, I’m proud now to say I am a medium but I wasn’t then.  So, this is why I then decided to do all my Reiki courses and then I became a Reiki Master and Practitioner.  And the energies are different though for me, from doing Reiki to then doing mediumship.  It is very strong when I am doing the Reiki, a lot of healing, and I have helped people, regarding another lady where I was doing the healing and that night she ended up in hospital.  And I was like, oh my goodness. But what they’d found is, that she’d got cancer, breast cancer, and I thought I’d brought this on.  But then what happened was, if I hadn’t done what I’d done, she said to me, they wouldn’t have found it.  So, I then started to realise there is a lot of healing here with me.  And so, I also picked up quite a lot of spirit world as well. But what happened is, that in a way it scared me, because the power of the Reiki was so strong, that I was finding that people were finding things and then having to go to the doctors and I’m thinking, oh I don’t want this.  Even though I know it helped them.  So, what I did was, I then went into the Arthur Findlay College, on probably the, I think I might have been in my third year, because once you start, it’s honest to goodness, it’s like an addiction and especially when you feel like you’ve come home.  And I started to see that, I got a message and somebody sent you heal with your words –  you can do it in your mediumship.  And so I then came away from the Reiki, and then started to do these one to ones.  And I feel so much healing comes through in what I say, but also before COVID, you could put hands on.  Sometimes I used to say, can I hold your hands?  And then you’d send… my hands would go so hot and with spirit you are so cold.. so it was like, real you know, honestly, it was quite confusing sometimes, but that’s really how I do the healing now, it’s through my readings.


That’s really beautiful Dee, thank you for sharing that.  And then just before we finish, talk to us a little bit about how mediumship changes over the years as we use it, because you mentioned at the beginning, that at first you saw spirit and now you don’t see them so much, now you sense them, or you feel them, so how has your mediumship changed for you?


I don’t actually see them physically any more, and I think there’s still that fear where you go back to a child.  But I feel, I sense, I have a knowing, and it’s so strong now, and it’s become because of practice.  It’s like and there’s a muscle there and you gotta keep it, you’ve gotta keep it going.  My mediumship has changed in the way that I really feel the connection now with the spirit world and it’s such a lovely feeling.  But it, it takes, it’s taken a long time to really make sure that, it’s almost like I said before, you’re removing your brain, everything and putting it to one side, and feeling it with your soul, your connection to them, to their soul, ‘cos I know you do a lot of this soul to soul, don’t you?


Yes, I do.


I feel that is my connection, I go soul to soul.  What is it they need at that moment?  And that’s what’s happening, it’s the needs of that person, so they may come wanting something, but they will get what they need at that time to help them to move forward.  So you know, it’s okay maybe giving them a few things for the future, which I don’t really do because I’m not a fortune teller – you have to go on to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for that! But I want to help them with today.  How do they get from today to their future?  And I want to inspire them, and feel like, do you know what, I can do this.  Because life is hard, it is hard, but I can do this.  That’s what I try to inspire in my readings, and that’s where it’s changed Ann, and especially during COVID, so many people didn’t get to see their loved ones when they passed, or and still having trouble mentally.  And teenagers, oh my goodness, so I’m even having people coming with their daughters or their sons and sitting with me so that I can help them.  Well, it’s not me, it’s the spirit world, it is all the senses, like a counsellor, and I love, that’s the way my work has gone, almost like a spiritual counsellor. And you know, I love that, because it’s, it gets to them and you can get into their psyche if you like, so when you’re saying something to them, they understand it, because that is what’s happened to them.  Oh, so now I’m gonna listen.  ‘Cos I had another young girl that came with a grandmother because she didn’t wanna live.  Her brother had died and she just wanted to kill herself and be with her brother.  And the beautiful thing about that with, how my mediumship has changed, is because I could see what she was doing and why she was feeling this way, but also at the same time, because I know quite a lot about the spirit world because of my sister taking me there and showing me, that I know that she wouldn’t be with her brother, if she had taken her own life.  She would see him, but she would be into like a hospital, like you would here, you know, for, you would have counselling.  And she’s got a beautiful life ahead of her, and she’s, you know, you need to continue your studies, it’s going to be something, you know, you’re going to change where you’re going but it’s going to be right for you.  So it’s always talking and healing that’s coming with my mediumship now, but I’m using all my senses and I think it’s the way is today, the world is so different Ann, and it’s tough but everybody in different ways.


But that’s so beautiful.  I mean it’s tragic that you’ve gone through your own awful challenges and terrible experiences, but it’s beautiful that you can use that as a gift to help other people now.


Absolutely and I’ve always had a, a like a mantra which I’ve always kept it, and do you know what, I found it, funny enough, before we came on air if you like. I found it this morning, ‘cos I was, we’ve had a lot of building work so things were in boxes and I thought, oh my God, this is what I’ve been trying to do all my life.  And I feel proud about this and I’ll read it to you.  It says I shall pass through this world but once, and any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now, let me not defer on neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.  And I thought that I’ve always tried to do that. I’ve tried to always be, live a spiritual way, even though I’ve, there has been lots of very tragic things happen to me throughout my life, and I’ve had to get over them.  But if you can still keep that in your heart, forgiveness, kindness, do you know what?  Things will open up for you.  You start healing yourself, and loving yourself, because that’s the one thing that we don’t do .


Yeah, and it’s so important, it starts with us, doesn’t it?


It absolutely does.


So, I have been the recipient, lucky recipient, of a few readings from you over the years, and it’s just… having a reading from you Dee Summers, is so beautiful, it is such a healing experience and the reason is you give so much love and total focus on your client, and so listen to, and feel into them, that it’s just, you leave literally leave feeling so uplifted, and so healed.  So, if somebody from, who’s listening to this podcast wants to come and see you, how do they get in touch with you Dee?  How do they book an appointment?


If you could, if you have Facebook or Instagram, you just need to really go on there, my phone number’s there, you know, just text me a message and I’ll get back to you straight away.  Well as soon as I can.  


Is this in person?  Do you read online or do you just do in person?


No, I tend to do in person.


Okay and whereabouts are you in the world for those?


I’m in Manchester.


And you’re out and about aren’t you, on the road, doing demonstrations, where can people find you demonstrating if they wanted to come and see you?


Oh, well that that might be a difficult one, because it’s normally people have done, where they have organised it, and they get the, you know, could be at a restaurant…


Oh fine.  So, people want you, they book you and then they organise the event.


Yes, and there’s people there as well but we I do do parties where I do come out to somebody’s house, where there’s, you can have, you know, up to 10/12 people.  As long as you’re not too far, I mean sometimes I just have to put little bit travel expenses on then I’ll come out.


That’s fabulous and, you haven’t mentioned in your whole life story to us, that you were a dancer.




Tell us about that, Dee.


Oh, goodness.  So, I was a Latin American dancer.  I used to be in the Greater Manchester Formation Team.  I also used to be in the British Team and I used to do, before Strictly Dancing, there was a programme called Come Dancing, which Bruce Forsyth did at that time as well, and Angela Rippon and so I used to be on that quite a lot.  And, yeah, it was fabulous.


So brilliant. I just love that about you, that you have this showbiz background, and that you were this beautiful dancer and doing all these wonderful shows.


Yeah, and I used to do the theatre as well, so I used to do shows as well and singing.  And you know, I loved that side of it, but mainly, my life has been, first of all, was working in catering, having our own restaurant with my mum, ‘coz she’s an amazing chef.  And then from there we then started a business up which was called the Wedding Bureau, so we used to do all weddings.  So, I did that really for most of my life and had my own business and everything, and in between those times as well, I sort of had a little break away from it. Well, I say a break away, about nine years, where I then worked for a Givenchy, and in you know, the big stores, Kendalls, and I worked for Kenzo Issey Miyake, so I was like the manager there, and so that was fabulous, you know, that sort of really taught me how to sell, if you like.  And so I loved it, I went everywhere, and I used to win all sorts of things, but that then helped me then with my own business, with the weddings.




Which I said to you, the consultations were brilliant because I knew what was going on.




Hard work, seven days a week but do you know what?  That was my life.  And its, now I am now full-on doing my readings, which I absolutely adore.  And I can pull on … you know, people are still asking me to do weddings but I’m like, no! I’m not doing any more.  I just want to do what I do now.


Yeah, and you’re so good at it.  You have got a long client list haven’t you as well, people waiting for you.




So, I know you’re really busy, so I really, you know, we all really hugely appreciate you making time to come on the podcast and just talk about the work that you do, and just go through all of that with us.  It is so interesting talking to you Dee, I could talk to you forever and ever.


Oh Ann, thank you.  I don’t even think that, but at the end of the day, I really appreciate that you asked me, and this is the first time I’ve ever had to talk about myself if you like, and it’s been my pleasure Ann, I’m so happy that you found it interesting.


Yeah, no it was so interesting Dee, and I think what is so wonderful is you’re so honest about everything that’s happened, and you’re very real, and people live real lives and they need real help, so.


Yes, yes, well I know ‘coz I was one of them walking this earth like, like a zombie, like not knowing where to go, what to do with my life, and you know, as soon as someone sits in front me, my heart goes out to them, in whichever way they need.  I hope to always try to help them, or I hope that maybe a word resonates with them. ­   Because you know, sometimes people can just say something to you, and you, you take it with you for the rest of your life.  Sometimes it can be a bad thing, but then there’s always the positive one is the one that that you rely on, and you go back to and it pushes you forward, you always remember those things.  And that’s why I always try to be inspiring, because I know that’s what I would have wanted.  I wanted somebody.  I needed somebody nearly all my life and so if I can do that, that’s what warms my heart and that’s what makes me do the job I do and why I love it.


Dee Summers, thank you very much indeed.


Thank you, Ann.­­­­­­


Dee Summers everyone.  Do go over to her Facebook page and if you live in the Manchester area of the UK or would like to take a road trip that way – do book yourself a reading with her.  I know she also does Psychic Parties, so if you wanted to get a few friends together for an evening, or you have something exciting planned, do get in touch with Dee on Facebook page.

All the resources for this episode, including a full transcript and plus importantly, how to reach Dee, are over on my website under podcasts, so do  head over there and you can pick everything up on the show notes.  Have a little explore while you are over there, I have some wonderful courses coming up that you might enjoy.

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I’ll be back with you in two weeks’ time.  Meanwhile, have a great fortnight and take care everybody. My name is Ann Théato and thank you so very much for listening to Psychic Matters.