What Are the Benefits of a Soul Reading?
Jun 07, 2023
A Soul Reading helps us to know who and what we are at a soul level.
Our soul is that part of us which “knows” who we truly are. It is the part of us who unconditionally loves and adores us – who always sees the good and true within us. It is the stillness within. The part of us that remains untouched by the outside world. The part of us that is as old as time.
Our soul is the unique core of ourselves and is our consciousness and a soul reading can help us understand it. It has enjoyed many lifetimes, experiences and expressions of being. It is filled with infinite creative possibilities to manifest itself and is the pull we feel within to draw, to write, to photograph, to act, to paint, to create, to appreciate nature and to try in some small way to express something of the magnificence of our spirit within.
Our soul is the part of us that never dies. It carries all the messages and lessons of the past and will carry all the messages and lessons of the future. It is the repository of wisdom, love and experiences gleaned from lifetime to lifetime.
We have been put on planet Earth to express our soul’s highest purpose and calling, yet once incarnate, we often forget why we are here. We become involved in the practicalities of life, and communication with our own soul is neither recognized nor encouraged. We find ourselves moving away from our soul’s calling – becoming restless and unfulfilled. We intuitively know there is more, we know we are being called to do something but we have lost the ability to express what that something is and we can experience a disturbing emptiness within.
A Soul Reading will help you to see yourself through the eyes and heart of your own soul. It will help you to remember who and what you are at a soul level – to understand and see yourself as your soul does.
We each have guides, masters and angels who surround and protect us and who can help us to access our soul’s purpose. During a Soul Reading, you may receive messages, images, information or inspiration, which will assist you in awakening your intuitive knowing.
A Soul Reading can bring about powerful transformation, enabling you to change physical and emotional patterns and allow healing to take place. A Soul Reading will change your perspective, giving you the ability to trust in your own inner voice and enabling you to master your life and your world.